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Fraud Prevention Centre

While fraud can take many forms, it is generally known as misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact or willful or deliberate act or failure to act with the intention of obtaining an unauthorized benefit. Educating yourself about fraud is your best protection against it.  If you would like to find out more about how we protect your privacy, please take a look at our Privacy PolicyPlease note that we operate as John Hancock in the US and Manulife in other parts of the world.  

If you have a question about an existing product or account, please click on the appropriate link:

        If you have a question about suspicious account activity / correspondence involving Group Benefits:

        Call 1-877-481-9171 or report by clicking here: Share & Protect e-form Group Benefits

     If you have a question about suspicious activity/correspondence involving Manulife Bank for immediate action please call 1-877-765-2265. 
    For other Fraud concerns including Manulife ID please call 1-877-765-2265, or email MBC Fraud Operations:



If you received an email or text message from Manulife to verify your identity through a two-step authentication process – but you didn’t ask for one – that could mean:

  • Someone with a similar username as you made an error entering information, which triggered our reaching out to you in error (this is usually the case)
  • Someone may be trying to sign in to your account using your Manulife ID

The reason we have two-step authentication is to prevent someone other than yourself from signing in to your account. If you received a code, that means the security protection is working.

If you find yourself in this situation, you can do one of two things:

  1. Sign in to your account and review your information to confirm all is well
  2. Contact us – find our contact information (according to business segment) on our contact us page


If you believe you have received any suspected fraudulent correspondence purporting to be from Manulife/John Hancock not relating to any of the above, please provide a detailed summary of the matter below, and attach any relevant documentation received.  This is a secure form; all information that you enter and submit is encrypted and kept confidential. For more information please refer to ouPrivacy Policy.

Please select the type of fraud you would like to report from the dropdown below:

I am looking to report: