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Board Committees

The Board is responsible for the stewardship of Manulife. Directors are responsible for overseeing the management of the business and affairs of Manulife.

Audit Committee

Our “Audit Committee” is responsible for assisting the board of directors in its oversight of Manulife’s internal control over financial reporting; the effectiveness of Manulife’s risk management and compliance practices; the independent auditor’s performance, qualifications and independence; the performance of Manulife's internal audit function; the Finance, Actuarial and Global Compliance functions; and Manulife’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Our Audit Committee also acts as the conduct review committee and assists the Board of Directors in its oversight of conflicts of interest; confidential information; complaints of customers; and transactions that involve parties related to Manulife.

  • Guy Bainbridge - Chair
  • Julie Dickson 
  • Nancy Carroll
  • Mike Durland
  • May Tan
  • John Wong

Audit Committee charter (PDF)

Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee

Our “Governance Committee” identifies individuals qualified and suitable to become board members and recommends to the board the director nominees for each annual meeting of shareholders. Members of the Governance Committee also assist the board in overseeing the development of Manulife’s corporate governance policies, practices and processes; the effectiveness of the board of directors, its committees and the chairs of those committees and the contributions of individual directors.

  • May Tan - Chair
  • Guy Bainbridge 
  • Nancy Carroll
  • Julie Dickson 
  • Mike Durland
  • Don Lindsay
  • John Wong

Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee charter (PDF)

Management Resources and Compensation Committee

Our “Management Resources and Compensation Committee” assists the board of directors in its oversight role with respect to Manulife’s global human resources strategy, policies and programs; and all matters relating to the appropriate utilization of human resources within Manulife, with special focus on management succession, development and compensation including the President and Chief Executive Officer.

  • Nicole Arnaboldi - Chair
  • Susan Dabarno
  • Don Kanak
  • Anna Manning
  • John Montalbano
  • Jim Prieur
  • Leagh Turner 

Management Resources and Compensation Committee charter (PDF)

Risk Committee

Our “Risk Committee” assists the board in its oversight of Manulife’s management of its principal risks including reviewing the principal risks and assessing whether the key risks have been identified; reviewing, and approving if appropriate, management’s recommended policies, procedures and controls used to identify, assess and manage principal risks; assessing programs, procedures and controls in place to manage its principal risks; and reviewing Manulife's compliance with its risks management policies and legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Jim Prieur - Chair
  • Nicole Arnaboldi
  • Susan Dabarno
  • Don Kanak
  • Anna Manning
  • John Montalbano
  • Leagh Turner 

Risk Committee charter (PDF)